Setup IntelliJ IDEA LightEdit mode in Windows 10

In the IntelliJ IDEA update 2020.1 LightEdit mode was introduced. To set it up on Windows 10 with Jetbrains Toolbox app

  • Open Jetbrains Toolbox settings > Enable “Generate shell scripts”
  • Select a path for scripts to be generated (example C:\Users\myuser\bin)

For Windows Command prompt:

  • Add the directory of the scripts to your “Path” Environment variable
  • Make sure to open a new cmd window

For Git bash

  • Make sure the directory of the script is in PATH: echo $PATH
    • Add with export PATH=$PATH:"/c/Users/myuser/bin"
  • Copy idea.cmd to file idea and adapt for bash:
  • start /c/Users/myuser/AppData/Local/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/201.7223.91/bin/idea64.exe "$@"

Now you can use it as idea myfile.txt from Windows cmd and Git bash and a IDEA in LightEdit Mode will open.

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